Why Do You Need a Real Estate Professional?

Do you have the time, energy, resources, information and contacts to successfully market and sell your own home? Are you able to you ask the tough questions necessary to make sure a buyer is qualified to purchase your home? Is truly interested in completing the transaction? Are you able to negotiate the price and terms without becoming emotional? Below you will see just a few areas in which I feel I will truly earn my commission.


The need for accurate and competitive pricing has never been as important as in today’s Real Estate Market. Keeping up with market trends and conditions, changing home values and loan regulations are a full time job. You don’t want to miss an opportunity by over pricing or undervaluing your property. My knowledge and experience will ensure you are getting the best possible price for your property.


There are many ways to market a property and I use methods that have proven to be successful. The choice of media and advertising depends on the location and specific market. Over exposure or underexposure can both be detrimental in attracting the right buyer. There is a misconception that advertising and open houses sell a property.  A National Association of REALTORS study shows that 82% of real estate sales are the result of a REALTOR’s contacts through previous clients, family, friends and relationships with other real estate agents – co-op agents.  With the ever changing market, it is essential to know what methods are most effective, and to be open to change marketing strategies as needed.

The condition of a property is one of the most important factors to most buyers today, and preparation is critical. I can recommend repairs, cosmetic changes and staging technics that will enhance the salability of your property.


Are you able to meet buyers at any time of day? With very short notice?  And, without knowing them? By listing with me, your home will have a more secure system of presentation to buyers. Most agents screen buyers and every agent that shows your property must register with our appointment center, providing their name, license number and contact information. I will have a record of every agent that walks through your door.

Negotiations and Closing

I will assist you in evaluating a buyer’s offer and negotiating not only price but acceptable terms. The initial acceptance of an offer is only the beginning of the transaction that involves inspections, appraisal, loan commitment, title search … many potential obstacles to overcome prior to closing. With over 20 years of experience, I will help guide you through the process to reach a successful closing.